Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dirty Old Town

The town in Dirty Old Town is Salford which is now an area in Greater Manchester.

It was one of my first thoughts when I heard of the Teenybopper Bombing at a recent Ariana Grande concert venue. Can't believe the mass stampede, the failure of the band to instantly play something, anything. I particularly can't understand the band's failure to play the UK National Anthem which would have done wonders for crowd control. If the band were Americans touring with the star, just play My Country Tiss of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty. Different words here in the USA but its known as God Save Our Gracious Queen in the UK. No one runs out when that is being played anymore than someone would run out during the playing of The Star Spangled Banner in America. I can't believe the star's failure to return to the stage and do something, anything! Sing, dance, chew bubble gum, take her blouse off. Anything! Eons ago Eddie Foy stayed on stage during a theater fire and told everyone that no one runs out on his act, they only walk out. He did his song and dance routine and as his jacket caught fire he took it off, when his shirt caught fire he continued with his act despite the painful burns and searing heat, but he stopped the mass panic and he made sure the band kept playing as fire engulfed the stage and searing heat burst out into the orchestra pit.

Heroism, confusion, fear, loathing, whatever. Sure the Muslim Taxi Association gave free rides to wandering children and some taxis became impromptu ambulances for the walking wounded. As usual, the authorities were giving conflicting and contradictory and often senseles instructions.

Stay Calm And Carry On. Easy to say, sometimes difficult to do. Performers and band members have obligations. It doesn't matter too much what they do or what song they play, its that they do something and do it instantly. They can play off key and out of tune, they can even play different songs but they have to strike up the band instantly. The various musicians can come in out of synch and with untuned instruments. It doesn't matter. It only matters that they strike up the band instantly for crowd control purposes. Performers have an obligation to be ready at all times for the unexpected to take place. Its not some optional choice, it is mandatory.

No amount of tweets or benefit concerts will make up for such a failure as took place that night. They were unprepared and unresponsive to the situation. Sure its a rare and utterly unexpected event, but both the venue and the performers should have been more prepared for it. It is a performer's duty and a tech crew's duty to always be prepared for trouble and to deal with it effectively rather than be immobilized or cowardly. It may prove to be ineffective but the attempt has to be made. Do something and do it pretty darn quick.

Far more Mancurians were injured by the senseless stampede than by actual bomb blast related debris.

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