Sunday, December 10, 2017

Garbage in Salt Lake City

A lot of nonsense about cell phones and illness in Salt Lake City, Utah. Epidemiologists have to learn common sense.

Elderly couple to lose life insurance policy

Australian couple, each 89, after paying 31k in premiums learns that their life insurance policy lapses at age 90 and will pay nothing.

No wonder the insurance companies get rich.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Animal Kingdom: TV shows popularity.

While it has the usual allure of Southern California lifestyle of youth, sex, drugs and sunshine, this show features a family's interactions involving a dedication to an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Smurf, the matriarch, is shown in close proximity to the naked men in her house but there is no outright depiction of incest.

Drug use is rampant as is drug dealing but then again this is Southern California.

As is expected the emphasis is on the youngest characters but it seems Jay is bright and manipulative whereas Nicki is ambitious but too flakey to rise to the challeges of being the gun moll she hopes to become. Season 2's finale depicted Nicki as doing an impromptu robbery motivated by some old school girll tiff and getting some buckshot in her to go with the jacket she stole.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Notting Hill Festival's "acid" attacks

In the UK females do risk having caustic substances thrown in their face. Only a relativel few incidents and often involving prior relationships with Islamic males who do not tolerate freedom or independence being demonstrated by female acquaintances.

The recent faux attacks on the final day of the Notting Hill Festival seemed to have involved only water and were apparently filmed for their "entertainment" value. Passersby observing the prank did not hesitate to run and in so doing there were some relatively minor trampling incidents.

It must have been a terrifying few moments before the victim realized that although she was soakec, her face was not burning and so the substance could not really be acid.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Fentanyl and First Responders is HOGWASH.

These news reports of police, paramedics, bystanders being overcome by unintended exposure to minute amounts of fentanyl are all HOGWASH.

It remains: 80 percent of all self-identified addicts are not addicts and can go 'cold turkey' if they want or if they have to such as by being incarcerated and denied drug diversion or rehabilitation status.

Most 'overdose' deaths are not due to an overdose but due to a minute contaminant such as anthrax spores. Street doses tend not to vary that much and are not really that strong. It takes alot of heroin to intentionally kill someone in a hospital setting.

Most relapses are due to social circumstances wherein Rehab Graduates return to same neighborhood, same friends, same drug culture, same despair producing circumstances of hopeless under employment issues. Twelve step programs teach helplessness and are used as re-cruiting tools by dealers who want to re-establish a customer base. Rehab houses are often able to bill ten thousand dollars a week per patient and have no incentive to actually get anyone off drugs.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Statins and death by numbers.

The Quacks want me to take statins.

Statins do lower cholesterol but they generally pass thru the blood brain barrier and exert a cholesterol lowering effect in the brain as well as in their target organ, blood serum.

Anyone with a history of diabetes much less a history of a severe diabetic crisis already suffers from lowered cholesterol in the brain. Dietary fats and serum cholesterol levels do not affect brain cholesterol levels since its the brain that must manufacture its own cholesterol.

Statins do not improve quality of life nor do they extend life, they only "improve numbers' so that the patient dies with good numbers. "He lowered his cholesterol levels but kicked off anyway, so we will consider this a success because he died with good numbers on his chart."

What is the sense of that? WHY do the quacks want me on statins? Are the quacks trying to kill me? Are they giving me a none to subtle hint?

Monday, July 10, 2017

Owen Rooney: Corpse Found.

As has always been assumed, but never hoped, Owen Rooney never made it far from that clinic.

His remains have been found about two miles away from the LKP. He was weak and disoriented and had received improper medical care. How far did they expect him to go? It appears he either walked off a cliff or was chased off a cliff by an unknown predator.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

London Inferno

This fire in a London residential tower is really a simple matter. Flammable cladding was added to the exterior of an eye-sore for the benefit of the wealthier property owners in the area who did not like their views being sullied by a run down building filled with poor people, many of them recent immigrants.

The morality and legality of the act is determined by what was known at the time.

Firefighters had just knocked down a small electrical fire that had started in a refrigerator and were leaving the building when the exterior erupted into a major fire. So the response of the authorities should have been better and faster. There was no warning system in the building and the fire apparatus on scene did not constantly cycle their sirens as a warning to the residents to flee.

Now it seems the disaster is a big rallying cry for everyone from real churches to Scientology. The residents had been complaining about the lack of a building wide fire alarm or a safe means of emergency egress. Nothing was done.

Its a matter for lawyers, press releases and politicians now.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Manchester Police Response

What idiots the Greater Manchester Police are to spread such panic. Darned PC saying 'there may be devices' over and over again. Fine, There may be Martians too. if you find a Martian, say so. If you find a suspicious device, say so. Until then keep your yap shut.

Managers telling diners to stop eating and cower on the floor . What fools they are. And then plunge a crowded room into darkness. Idiots.

PC is supposed to mean Police Constable not Puny Coward. What do they call them Blodgett Specials?

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Health Care and Public Expenditures

Okay, there are ordinary radiation machines to treat cancer and there are Proton radiation machines to treat cancer. The much more massive and expensive proton machines are claimed to be better. Certainly the people who sell and service them claim they are better. Experts do not necessarily agree.

So should a state pay to construct an extremely expensive device in the hopes of drawing patients into a medical tourism enterprise or should a state simply treat its own citizens in a more proven and cheaper manner?

Terrorism Statistics

Tired of hearing about having a greater chance of being struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist? What about the COST of disrupting the lives of thousands of people and costing businesses thousands of dollars. Cops bellowing, cowering on the floor in the dark, contradictory orders, "there may be devices" (well, jerk, there may be Martians also).

The experts keep telling us if we retaliate militarily we just create more terrorists, what the experts don't realize is that those newly created terrorists have to survive our attack.

We have to get serious. Destroy Iran's oil industry, airports, missles, planes, factories of all types, roads, and electrical generation and transmission facilities. Kill ALL those who try to send humanitarian aid. Sink all their naval and merchant marine vessels. Refuse to recognize them as a civilized nation.

Yes, some terrorists may be created by the process, but the nation will suffer an eighty percent population drop and most of those new terrorists will starve to death anyway.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Rapists Rights

In the State of Indiana a woman who gives birth to a child that was conceived following a rape has three months to ban the rapist from seeking visitation rights. If she fails to do this, the rapist will automatically be able to force visitation with his offspring until age 18.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dirty Old Town

The town in Dirty Old Town is Salford which is now an area in Greater Manchester.

It was one of my first thoughts when I heard of the Teenybopper Bombing at a recent Ariana Grande concert venue. Can't believe the mass stampede, the failure of the band to instantly play something, anything. I particularly can't understand the band's failure to play the UK National Anthem which would have done wonders for crowd control. If the band were Americans touring with the star, just play My Country Tiss of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty. Different words here in the USA but its known as God Save Our Gracious Queen in the UK. No one runs out when that is being played anymore than someone would run out during the playing of The Star Spangled Banner in America. I can't believe the star's failure to return to the stage and do something, anything! Sing, dance, chew bubble gum, take her blouse off. Anything! Eons ago Eddie Foy stayed on stage during a theater fire and told everyone that no one runs out on his act, they only walk out. He did his song and dance routine and as his jacket caught fire he took it off, when his shirt caught fire he continued with his act despite the painful burns and searing heat, but he stopped the mass panic and he made sure the band kept playing as fire engulfed the stage and searing heat burst out into the orchestra pit.

Heroism, confusion, fear, loathing, whatever. Sure the Muslim Taxi Association gave free rides to wandering children and some taxis became impromptu ambulances for the walking wounded. As usual, the authorities were giving conflicting and contradictory and often senseles instructions.

Stay Calm And Carry On. Easy to say, sometimes difficult to do. Performers and band members have obligations. It doesn't matter too much what they do or what song they play, its that they do something and do it instantly. They can play off key and out of tune, they can even play different songs but they have to strike up the band instantly. The various musicians can come in out of synch and with untuned instruments. It doesn't matter. It only matters that they strike up the band instantly for crowd control purposes. Performers have an obligation to be ready at all times for the unexpected to take place. Its not some optional choice, it is mandatory.

No amount of tweets or benefit concerts will make up for such a failure as took place that night. They were unprepared and unresponsive to the situation. Sure its a rare and utterly unexpected event, but both the venue and the performers should have been more prepared for it. It is a performer's duty and a tech crew's duty to always be prepared for trouble and to deal with it effectively rather than be immobilized or cowardly. It may prove to be ineffective but the attempt has to be made. Do something and do it pretty darn quick.

Far more Mancurians were injured by the senseless stampede than by actual bomb blast related debris.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

How Soon A Nation Forgets.


The UK, which spent all of WWtwo hungry and under threat of total starvation with never more than a five week food supply, is now having one of its runaway bureaucratic agencies campaign to get people to throw out overly blackened toast and overly baked potatoes.

The cancer threat is extremely minimal, unproven in humans, and when considering overall health it is an extremely narrow focus on an absurdly trivial issue.

Yet the UK health and safety types march on ... spending God knows how much money on absurdly senseless posters about a senselessly trivial issue. In other words, business as usual.