Monday, January 28, 2013

Parents of JonBenet Ramsey indicted?

JonBenet Ramsey related article in Daily Camera alleges once again that the Grand Jury actually voted to indict each of the Ramseys but that DA Hunter, doubtful he could get a conviction against either one, refused to sign the indictment. Colorado law requiring both the Foreman of the Grand Jury and the Prosecutor to sign a True Bill of Indictment.

There were tabloid inspired rumors of this right from the start and even now I'm not convinced it actually happened. The indictment, if it existed, was for child neglect not murder or torture. Four year statute of limitations.

Most of the Grand Jurors are refusing to speak and it seems some are only speaking if their identity is not revealed. The indictment, if indeed it ever existed, seems to have been born of frustration and hopelessness, and not based on any specific actions or inactions by the Ramseys.

It still seems strange that the parents would have been indicted by the grand jury when the jury failed to call either of the parents as witnesses.

Scott Shapiro is, of course, magnifying this out of all proportion and claiming that the possible indictment for child neglect is a complete repudiation of Lou Smit and his theories and complete acceptance of the theories of that incompetent motor mouth from the BPD.

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