Thursday, June 21, 2012

Roulette "Incident" at the Rio that never happened.


As expected, The Rio finally issued a press release admitting that no such incident of seven hits of the number 19 in a row took place. They claim the table was open and no repairman was working on the display panel. The Rio glossed over any obligation on its part that if it provides a display it must provide an accurate one. The Rio press release made no mention of deferred maintenance in this or in other areas and made no mention of the credit crunch CET (nee Harrah's) is facing. I'm sure that such deferred maintenance will continue until either "The Miracle" takes place or "The Default" takes place. In the meantime the company will keep their press releases and their whitewash handy. Undoubtedly they will also keep trying to sell off assets even at rock bottom prices in an attempt to stave off a credit crisis.

The poker player who snapped the photo of the display and tweeted it into internet immortality was simply wandering by and noticed it, he was not actually playing and he should have known that any such sequence would have resulted in a frenzied table.

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