Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Murder of Gareth Williams MI6 agent.

Gareth Williams case: Coroner Dr. Fiona Wilcox rendered her formal verdict. Detective Chief Inspector utters usual mouthings about police now following additional lines of inquiry as if they were actually making progress on the case. Impossible to state he did not get into the suitcase voluntarily. (How many people put a soft-sided holdall into a bathtub and then enter the suitcase and zip it up?) No determination as to why apartment temperature was so high during summer months. (Perhaps to accelerate the rate of body decomposition?)No determination for extreme cleanliness of apartment resulting in lack of DNA evidence. No determination that twenty thousand pounds worth of women's clothing was for perverse purposes. No determination of reasons for recent cell phone deletions. No determination of reasons for recent unauthorized searches on MI6 computer systems.

One thing certain: When MI6 is involved, no truth emerges.

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