Thursday, April 19, 2012

So many damned experts!

Casinos these days have so many experts.

Now along comes a firm that says "take a few key employees out for intense seminars in top notch customer service and let the new, higher standards migrate throughout the entire organization's workforce.

What utter crap!

Benny Binion knew what to do. Give the customer a good bet, a good meal and a good stiff drink. Things have not changed. Casinos want to have ignorant customers who are being lead into the shearing shed by courteous and ever-smiling customer-service specialists. Meanwhile the casinos offer inexperienced first line supervisors, unmotivated employees, games at house edges that are a disgrace, and point systems that are a mass of fine print that taketh away all that is bestowed with Madison Avenue hoopla.

Boise, Idaho (PRWEB) April 18, 2012

“Bare-bones state budgets, taxation, new casinos, social media and online gaming – these are all factors that will contribute to a challenging year for casinos,” Baird says. “Stellar guest service and a superior gaming experience are the only real competitive advantages casinos have. That is where they must focus their efforts to compete.”

The recession has depleted state coffers and states are on the prowl for ways to increase revenue for schools and social services without raising taxes, according to Baird. “That old standby – the sin tax – is a perfect solution,” Baird says. “Nobody cares if existing casinos are taxed to the max.

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