Monday, December 29, 2014

Luke Mitchell and the Satanic Struggles

Wednesday November 23, 2011: The Supreme Court(UK) backed judges in the High Court(Scotland)who had previously refused Mitchell the right to appeal again.

Maggie Scott QC said the Crown had relied on evidence of Mitchell’s comments and demeanor during the lawyer-less police interview, resulting in “a fundamental unfairness amounting to a denial of justice”.

Last year, the Supreme Court ruled that evidence taken from a police interview where a suspect was not first offered access to a solicitor was unreliable and could not be used in court.

However, in the instant ruling it respected the “finality” of the rejection of Mitchell’s appeal against conviction in May 2008 and did not believe there were any live matters that would lead the court to re-open his case.

At appeal in 2008, the justices criticized the “overbearing and hostile interrogation” by police of the teenager during the investigation in an attempt to gain a confession. However, the justices noted Mitchell had not been cowed nor submitted to the pressure.

The Supreme Court said that verdict marked the end of the case.

The Scottish Criminal Review Commission rendered its uniquely absurd conclusion quite some time ago which left Luke Mitchell virtually without any further hope of release. However the commission has now ordered that murder victim Jodi Jones clothing be re-examined forensically since the scientific state of the art has changed in the interim and usable profiles might yet be obtained.

Four men were believed to have left their DNA on, in or inconveniently close to the corpse, but none of the four were ever arrested or considered suspects. One of the men when questioned, though not as a suspect, was provided by the police with a reason his dna might have been on the victim's tee shirt. The victim's sister later married one of the men whose dna was found at the crime scene.

A few days after the announcement of further dna testing, Corrine Mitchell's Caravan Park was fire bombed by "persons unknown".

Saturday, December 27, 2014

MH370 New Splashdown point at extreme end of Search Zone

Okay, assuming a course of 188True that course fits with available Immarsat data, but the question is why would anyone want to steer that course?

If there was some predicament the pilots would want a long shallow approach to a well light runway with no navigational difficulties reaching there. So exclude all the closed or short runway airports or airports scheduled to be closed by the time the stricken flight reached there and I still don't see why anyone would dial in 188T?

Monday, December 8, 2014

High Performance Aircraft Require High Performance Pilots.

High Performance Aircraft require High Performance Pilots.

Doctors, lawyers, businessmen who fly their own planes should stay with simple aircraft rather than fast complex aircraft. It takes time to practice and to stay current in skills. Things go wrong and the demands of the aircraft can over tax a part time pilot.

Its referred to as getting behind the eight ball or behind the airplane.

With ten miles visibility but the possibility of icing problems, loss of situational awareness due to over focus on some relatively minor problem as the fast jet's airspeed is decaying too much is a problem for part time pilots. Professional, full time pilots know that if you have slow traffic in front of you, you make "S-turns" but stay oriented to your course, never turn away from your destination particularly if you are descending and may not reacquire it visually. If S turns won't work, do a full 360 or just add power and go around to try again.

A part time pilot can get so distracted that he allows the speed to decay to a point that he is going too slow, starts a turn and finds he going way to slow to continue flying. Not enough lift and the plane rolls inverted flys into the ground at a speed that is simply too slow for that model of plane to keep flying. Add possible icing problems and possible loss of reliability of instruments and you crash mainly because you slowed so much for that slow plane ahead of you that your plane simply can't fly that slowly. Stall/Spin when turning onto final approach course at too slow a speed to sustain lift. A mistake made by a part time pilot, rarely made by a professional pilot who knows to not let the plane get ahead of him

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Rape: Rolling Stone, Universities, Cosby, Ghomeshi ... and restraint.

Rampant rampaging rapists run wild on campus:
From Wikipedia:

"A Rape on Campus," alleged a macabre gang rape by members of Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia. In the aftermath, the University suspended all fraternities, and university president Teresa Sullivan declared "the whole [fraternity] culture is sick." In a nationally published op-ed a law student at the University called for fraternities to be treated as "criminal street gangs" subject to asset forfeiture.

Richard Bradley, editor in chief of Worth magazine, was the first mainstream journalist to question the Rolling Stone article After an interview Erdely gave to Slate, in which she appeared to offer evasive responses about the way in which she investigated the piece, some commentators escalated questioning the veracity of the story. It was later revealed Erdely had not interviewed any of the men accused of the rape.

Fraternity officials noted a number of discrepancies with the story, including that there was no party held on the night of the alleged rape, as the accuser had claimed, that the "ringleader" of the rape named in the story was not a member of the fraternity, and that details about the layout of the fraternity house provide by the accuser were wrong. Fraternity officials also noted that, prior to the Rolling Stone story, there had never been a criminal investigation or allegation of sexual assault against an undergraduate member of the chapter.

Washington Post reporters who later interviewed the accuser at the center of Erdely's story said that she had felt "manipulated" by Erdely.

Its bad enough that the general populace seems to have been ready to jump on the bandwagon, but university officials are supposed to have more restraint and intelligence to lead the lynch mob.

Seems to be the same way with the Navy. As "The Brass" take away Bill Cosby's honorary rank of Chief Petty Officer, the rank and file focus on the fact that he has never been indicted, tried or convicted and should be left alone. Or, as one sailor put it, The Secretary of the Navy took an oath to defend the Constitution, not to abide by it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hail. Well met, fair countryman!

Two nineteen year old German girls decided to obtain Gap Year visas allowing them to explore New Zealand. Unlike tourist visas, Gap Year visas allow a visitor to make money working at odd jobs so as to more fully explore the New Zealand culture for a longer period of time.

While many youths decide to explore nightlife and wineries, the two German trekers simply hiked large swaths of New Zealand. During one trip they met a fellow German, a middle aged man who was foreman of a milking crew at a New Zealand ranch.

During informal discussions of the two girls intended destinations the crew foreman revealed that he owned a sailboat and could sail the girls to their next destination. The trusting, youthful young ladies assented and soon set sail on an extremely hazardous voyage in what is considered to be the most dangerous body of water in New Zealand. Moreover the winds at the time they departed were clearly from the wrong direction. It is doubtful the Captain notified his two passengers of the inadequacies of his boat and its equipment. Likely undisclosed was the fact that although the Captain had owned the boat for over a year he had very little training or experience in sailing and that his sailing style was described as "uninfluenced by any advice he had been given".

ON EDIT: Anniversary.

Gee, its been my experience that young nineteen year old German girls wearing pleasantly revealing hiking outfits tend to very easily get their photographs into the newspaper, yet for some reason only the "missing" Captain, not either of his "missing" passengers appear in the papers. And if any wonders about that status of "missing" lets just say that the police seem to know just as well as the Coroner knows that their bread is buttered by the Travel Industry. So the travel statistics reflect a good deal of political correctness to them. Until the bodies are actually found, there will be no Coronal Inquiry therefore there can be no finding of criminally negligent homicide. Indeed, until a body turns up the police consider the pretty young girls to be merely "missing" and therefore not dead. Have to pretty up the statistics for the Tourist Industry.

Operation Yew Tree. A waste of time, money and lives.

A return. Not claimed to be a triumphal return, but a return never the less.

We re-invigor the publication of Fleastiff's blog with a summary of Operation YewTree, a London Metropolitan Police task force that targeted mainly elderly males who had a history of being prominent in the public eye.

Many of the men were held on police bail for long terms and then informed they would not be charged yet many men were held on police bail as the police sought out possible accusers for events alleged to have taken several decades ago.

Ofcourse it is difficult to defend oneself against a sexual molestation charge particularly when UK law allows victims of these "historic" sex offenses to file claims for damages and to talk to the media in order to bolster their cases and in order to receive further compensation claims.

At trial little credible evidence was admited and the unsequestered jury heard a great deal of publicity about Jimmy Saville's victims.

Earlier, when Operation Yew Tree had snared a man who after a year had been convicted of a fifteen second breast-groping incident it was suggested that if the MET is going to jail celebrities who've groped a woman's breast, the UK had better build much larger prisons.